目黒ケイのインスタグラム(keimeguro) - 9月24日 03時25分

Edit: Sold Out
Due to the urgency and lack of time to prepare, there was a very small run of the “Orchids for Maui” limited edition prints in my previous drop. Very grateful they sold out overnight but felt regretful for everyone who emailed/dm’ed saying it was taken from their cart.

Today we were able to add a couple of extra prints, link is bio or head over to keimeguro.com/shop - This is a limited run and will be the last sale. Proceeds will be donated directly to the Maui Food Bank and Maui County Strong Fund.

Sidenote: Anyone notice the sweet visitor who made their cameo?🦋🌿

Ever since the hurricane-fueled fires broke out in Maui, thousands of people have been affected in the past week+. I have been scrambling to figure out what we could do as a community. In many cultures worldwide, orchids represent ‘love’ - this is something we could collectively offer to the people of Maui during this difficult time. If you have vacationed to Maui and benefited from the beauties of the island and the communities like I have, now is the time to give back - please consider donating and/or sharing. Please see my previous reel and post for more details.

I appreciate everyone who has purchased a print to help.🤍 プリント購入していただき本当に感謝しております。売上は上記のファンドに寄付致します、皆様の想いも込めて。

#maui #orchids


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



