ジェシカ・サインフェルドのインスタグラム(jessseinfeld) - 11月7日 04時53分

The tradition of 30 days of mourning ends today for many Jews. Many of us will continue to speak about our hostages, lost family members and friends, and the innocent lives caught in the crosshairs of the war on Hamas, a terrorist organization hell bent on killing Jews, resulting in senseless loss in Gaza.
Tonight we will be together at a huge @ujafedny rally in NYC on the Upper West Side of NYC, praying for all who have died or are missing. We will do what we’ve done for 2000 years - celebrate life, even in hard times. We will pray for the release of our 241 hostages, and the freeing of Palestine from Hamas.
For those scared to show up tonight, @nypd is there in full force. #bringthemhome


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