ハガーマガーのインスタグラム(huggermuggeryoga) - 11月10日 05時55分

How to Practice Mindfulness of the Body and Breath:

1. Sit comfortably on a meditation cushion or chair.

2. Close your eyes, or leave them slightly open and look at the ground a foot or two in front of you.

3. Tune into your breathing, feeling it in your body.

4. As you become aware of your breathing, note if there’s an area in the breathing passage where the breath feels most clear for you. This could be your nostrils, chest or abdomen. Settle your awareness there and simply feel the sensations of breathing in that area.

5. Commit to staying aware of just this inhalation, and then just this exhalation.

6. When your mind wanders off, which it most likely will, when you notice it, simply redirect your awareness back to your breath. You may need to do this many, many times in your practice. Each time you notice your mind has become lost, and you bring yourself back to the breath, you are slowly but surely developing a habit of being present. So don’t despair if you find your mind wandering off many times during a practice. In many ways, the practice is about noticing that your mind has become distracted, and continually corralling it back to your breath.


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