宇賀那健一さんのインスタグラム写真 - (宇賀那健一Instagram)「トリノ映画祭Craziesコンペティションにて『悪魔がはらわたでいけにえで私』がスペシャルメンションを受賞しました!!やった!!有難う御座います!  ”VISITORS-COMPLETE EDITION-" won a Special Mention in the Crazies Competition at the Torino Film Festival! We did it! Thank you very much!  It has been two years since the screening of "EXTRANEOUS MATTER-COMPLETE EDITION-" at the Torino Film Festival. I was very happy to be back in my favorite city of Torino and Torino Film Festival with my cast and producers, and to be reunited with my friends in Torino (all of whom I became friends with at the film festival two years ago).  This year's Torino Film Festival started with an opening party at the Venaria Palace, a World Heritage Site, followed by the Torino Film Lab party at Club Silencio, and a cocktail party at Mole Antonelliana, where gorgeous parties were held every day in a wonderful location, and every day New friends from all over the world were being made every day.  Tickets for ”VISITORS-COMPLETE EDITION-" were sold out by reservation. On the day of the screening, many people were still waiting in line for the cancellation. During the screening, there was a lot of laughter, and during the Q&A session, every time I answered a question, there was a round of applause, so many questions came one after another that we couldn't fit them in the time available.  I was so happy just for that, but I never expected to receive the Special Mention award. I am truly honored to be a part of such a wonderful film festival. I will continue to work hard and make films so that I can bring my work to this wonderful festival again. Grazie Torino!  『異物-完全版-』を上映していただいてから二年。 出演者、プロデューサーと共に、大好きなトリノの街とトリノ映画祭に帰ってこれたこと、そしてトリノにいる友人たち(二年前の映画祭で仲良くなった人たちばかりですが)と再会できたこと、とても嬉しかったです。  今年のトリノ映画祭は世界遺産のヴェナリア宮殿でのオープニングパーティーに始まり、クラブ・シレンシオでのトリノフィルムラボのパーティー、そしてモーレ・アントネリアーナでのカクテルパーティーなどなど素晴らしいロケーションの中での連日豪華なパーティーが開かれ、日々新しく世界中の友達が増えていきました。  そんな中、『悪魔がはらわたでいけにえで私』のチケットは予約完売。当日も沢山の方がキャンセル待ちの列に並んで下さっていました。 上映中は沢山の笑いが起こり、Q&Aでは質問に答える度に拍手が起こり時間内には収まりきらないほどに質問が相次ぎ、映画館を出たあとも観たお客さんから沢山の嬉しい言葉をかけていただける、という幸せな最高に時間を過ごさせてもらいました。  それだけでとても嬉しかったのに、まさかのスペシャルメンション受賞。こんな素晴らしい映画祭で…本当に光栄です。 またこの素晴らしい映画祭に作品を持ってこれるように頑張って映画を作り続けます。 Grazie Torino!!  #TFF41  #torinofilmfestival #あくわた #悪魔がはらわたでいけにえで私」12月3日 22時35分 - kenichiugana

宇賀那健一のインスタグラム(kenichiugana) - 12月3日 22時35分


”VISITORS-COMPLETE EDITION-" won a Special Mention in the Crazies Competition at the Torino Film Festival! We did it! Thank you very much!

It has been two years since the screening of "EXTRANEOUS MATTER-COMPLETE EDITION-" at the Torino Film Festival.
I was very happy to be back in my favorite city of Torino and Torino Film Festival with my cast and producers, and to be reunited with my friends in Torino (all of whom I became friends with at the film festival two years ago).

This year's Torino Film Festival started with an opening party at the Venaria Palace, a World Heritage Site, followed by the Torino Film Lab party at Club Silencio, and a cocktail party at Mole Antonelliana, where gorgeous parties were held every day in a wonderful location, and every day New friends from all over the world were being made every day.

Tickets for ”VISITORS-COMPLETE EDITION-" were sold out by reservation. On the day of the screening, many people were still waiting in line for the cancellation.
During the screening, there was a lot of laughter, and during the Q&A session, every time I answered a question, there was a round of applause, so many questions came one after another that we couldn't fit them in the time available.

I was so happy just for that, but I never expected to receive the Special Mention award. I am truly honored to be a part of such a wonderful film festival.
I will continue to work hard and make films so that I can bring my work to this wonderful festival again.
Grazie Torino!




Grazie Torino!!

#TFF41 #torinofilmfestival #あくわた #悪魔がはらわたでいけにえで私


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



