キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kimsoohyun_private) - 5月15日 01時23分

#youwhocamefromthestar [behind the scene] NG photos of #dominjoon
From an interview of magazine, the director of #ywcfts said if KSH is not taking this project, the drama will fail. Because the character of DoMinJoon which showing the young appearance of 20s, but 400years depth of life, is difficult to carry. "The only one who can hold this character should be KSH."Said the director. And oppa really try his best in each character, from the video behind the scene, he felt sorry and embarrassed for his NG again and again, coz Professor Do had so much specialized dialogue to learning. Finally, he's not only memorize his lines but also acting well in the drama, isn't he? Good job, oppa!

#도민준 #都敏俊 #都教授
#김수현 #KimSooHyun #金秀賢


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