キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kimsoohyun_private) - 6月14日 08時20分

20140613 TOUS les JOURS FanMeeting [about military]
MC: Imagine how KSH likes after 10 years...What should happen to you after 10 years? Are you still playing bowling?
KSH : 37
MC: 37(years old)
KSH: Er... I have speech problem.
KSH: Firstly, my thumb getting ugly...(lol) The bowling ball should be changed 12 times. Just as I said, after 12 years, I should have a lot of project.
MC: 10 years later.(correcting him)
KSH : 2 years more...
MC: Yes, you count 2 years more
KSH : Have I finished the national service?(He talked to himself) I made a mistake... [about bowling]
MC: What are you doing recently?
KSH : I have finished schedules for China, I'll stay in Korea. Free time at night I'll play bowling.
Oppa hurt his thumb because playing bowling. He also said he likes bowling and mentioned many times at the FanMeeting. He said bowling starts from zero unlike basketball n football.

Sorry for updating so late cuz it's said that the fans are not allow to take photos in the FanMeeting. Here are the photos from KSH DC. Chef Oppa made bread for fans by himself!!! Awww... The one who can eat the bread made by Oppa is so blessed!!! ><


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