パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 7月21日 12時31分

Excerpt from JYJ's interview in Marie Claire August 2014 Issue

Yoochun said... “There is another thing I would like to ask of our fans. We set the directions for our activities. We discuss it with the agency, but we make most of the decisions. But I noticed that there were many people who criticize the agency.” “Please understand this. There are times when we make considerations for the agency and when members make considerations for other members. But fans think that the decisions we made out of consideration for each other is a decision made unilaterally by the agency. Of course, we know. We know that it is out of your love for that member. But we chose to walk out from [our former] agency because we wanted to make our own decisions, and so we prioritize the respect for our opinions above anything else.” Via: JYJ3
Translated by: @inheaven_wJYJ


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