キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kshyun216) - 9月19日 16時00分

140919 update
Tonight the Asia Game Incheon opening ceremony composed of four acts, from "Asia long time ago", "Asia meeting through the sea", "Asia as family and friends", and to "Asia as one and future joining with today". Hallyu star Chang Dong-Geon and Kim Soo-Hyun will lead the stories, with Chang narrating the first story and Kim appearing through a video during the second stage.

Kim Soo Hyun will drive a ship traveling through Asia. When he arrived in China , Saudi Arabia and other Asian countries , he will reach out to pull a person on board. Unwittingly all Asians are gathered on board , excitedly greeting each other. This is the theme of tonight Asia Game Incheon opening ceremony ~ 4.5 billion people dream , Asia as one 【亚运今晚隆重开幕 45亿亚洲人翘首以待】金秀贤驾驶一艘大船游遍亚洲。当他到达中国、沙特阿拉伯等亚洲各国时,总会伸手拉一个人上船。不知不觉间,所有亚洲人都聚在船上,兴奋地互相打招呼。这就是主题为“45亿人的梦想,同一个亚洲”的2014仁川亚运会开幕式将呈现的精彩瞬间。

Source: http://cnnews.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2014/09/19/20140919000010.html

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