パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 9月29日 00時08分

Tyrone "Niddy" Buckner on JYJ

After spending so much time with JYJ on a one-on-one personal basis, how would you best describe their uninhibited personalities? What are they like behind the scenes, away from the cameras?
ND: “The first thought that comes to mind is that they are TRUE brothers. When they are really comfortable around you, you really get to see how they are real brothers to one another. They play around and tease each other all the time while having not only a deep love for one another but also an even deeper respect.” ND: “If I were to describe Yoochun’s personality, I would say that he’s the risk taker, the bad boy, who’s fun, versatile, and confident. Junsu, is just downright silly, chipper, and playful. Maybe it’s because he’s the youngest of the group, or maybe it’s because he is just that way by nature, I don’t know but he really gives off an air of being very extra-special. Jaejoong, however, is really unlike the other two. He is more the reserved, chill, contemplative, and driven big brother. You can just tell that he cares about his brothers and really wants to do what’s best for them, to look out for them like the big brother he is.”


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