ケビン・デュラントのインスタグラム(easymoneysniper) - 4月1日 04時14分

Not what I envisioned coming into this season. But I'm here and ready to conquer this journey. I've heard it all over the last few weeks, but I'm not here to prove anything to anybody, im battling myself. When quit and negativity are staring me in my face, i will stay strong and disciplined. And I won't do it on my own, my closest and friends and family are here to help and that's something I will be forever grateful for. I appreciate all the well wishes from all of you guys, I appreciate it. This is just a small obstacle when I look at the big picture. THANKS TO ALL MY NBA BROTHERS THAT REACHED OUT, means a lot to me. Road to recovery. GO THUNDER, I can't wait to play with my teammates again. LETS DO THIS

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