TWICEのインスタグラム(twicenews) - 5月13日 23時56分

Vote for Chaeyeon!❤
Asdfghjkll i've been scolded for like 234953 times today. I woke up at 7 after being scolded by my mom, then i got scolded again for forgeting to drink my milk, for not wanting to eat rice for breakfast, reading fanfic, watching TV, not studying math, i even got scolded for not throwing the trash that my lil bro made zzzz i got scolded bcos of the messy stuffs on the table which belong to my sisters, got scolded for using earphones, and lots more which pissed me off zzz....
Wait, my mom just scold me
{#twicenews #twicejjang #twice #sixteen #jyp #jypent}


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