リンキーのインスタグラム(tireddadtrepreneur) - 10月11日 07時33分

❇️The Importance of Sit❇️
If you're going to try and teach your dog any commands than make sure you have SIT at the top of the list! Having this one command in your arsenal easily sets the foundation when wanting to teach other tasks like down, stay, heel, etc. I'm sure most of you dog owners have had or came across the dog with endless amounts of energy which results in jumping, pulling, and even tackling a child or 2 from pure excitement. Think of what could have been avoided by having a proficient 'sit' engrained into your dogs brain! The key is not just to teach your dog how to follow these commands, but instead make sure YOU as the dog owner maintain the education for the rest of the dogs life. If you don't stay consistent with what they learn than it will either be ignored or harder to remember in the future. I am almost finished with the Dog Training programs I will be offering both Online and In person. Once I feel they are complete I will let y'all know and hopefully be able to work with some of you and your dogs! Stay tuned! Also, thank you to everyone who sent well wishes yesterday regarding the fire. My family and I are safe and sound ?
#sit #dog #dogtraining #balancedtraining #dogs #cue #command #teaching #dogtrainer

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