ジェシカ・ストループのインスタグラム(jessicalstroup) - 10月18日 02時53分

I sit with tears falling because I see a broken, selfish, bully of a man as our “president.” Every day we are more divided. I’ve felt more sadness in the last year (not because HRC lost but because we are blind to our crumbling democracy) and it kills me to constantly censor myself. I am one of those “good” girls from the South who was taught to respect my elders and love my country and but I will never respect or love the man we have put into power. This whole social media thing has always been strange to me as I’m a very private person but I feel like continuing to swallowing my outrage will make me sick... I’m taking down my last post simply because the gesture upset some in my family. Perhaps the ugliness of Trump is rubbing off on me and I should take notice. Maybe there are better ways for me to be active and share my opinions than with a middle finger. I work hard to stay positive but in all honesty, some days I feel like it’s all for nothing. ...In the end, I realize that evil only wins when hope is lost so stay strong out there. Keep fighting for what you believe in. Love is stronger than hate.


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