キャロル・アン・ワッツのインスタグラム(thewildcard) - 1月1日 06時14分

Looking 2018 right in the eyes.
This past year was full of lessons and preparation for what's ahead, learning to speak truth to power and unveiling of deep rooted imbalances.. a fuller expression of polarity so that we may realize there is only oneness and that much less is accomplished through divisiveness. Here's what I hope for you in this new year: That you know yourself fully and speak your truth. That you become the fullest expression of the creative forces inside of you. That you lead and love with your heart, mind, and whole essence. That you feel all of the significance of being here now, with the ones around you. This life experience is full of lessons, some making us grow in ways we didn't realize we could and others bringing us back to our original being. It has been shown that often hate, judgement, and manipulations of many forms are learned behaviors based in fear. I believe in the love with which we came into this world. Here's to you being you, me being me, and all of us coming together in humanity in 2018. Maybe it's just the beginning, but the tides are always turning. We have to believe in change ?⚡️✨⭐️
?: Joshua Michael Shelton @joshuamshelton @headshot_la
#metoo #change #growth #perspective #equality #oneness #love #happynewyear #2018

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