レイシー・バンハードのインスタグラム(lacey_shameela) - 1月3日 02時29分

Happy New Year everyone! 2019 is already so special.
We are back home after THE most amazing trip ?

Mabz had her first spa day, her first trip to the zoo, she visited 3 countries, had her first Christmas all in a week.

I am so grateful to my business for giving me a lifestyle of freedom! This week made me realise why I am building my business and to not care about other peoples options. I want to continue living a life where I don’t have to ask for time off, I don’t have to say no to things because we can’t afford it this month.
All the things I heard growing up Mabz won’t! She’ll know that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and work hard, she know success isn’t easy but it’s so worth it! She’ll understand that life is to be lived and loved not to be wished away for the weekend.

I’m excited to help many more women build their dream lives in 2019! ✨
I’m open to working with a handful of women this month who want to make a real change in their life. ?

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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