Brain Fart 💨 I think the fear of sounding like a hypocrite has prevented many people from talking about climate change. We are all responsible for the varying forms of environmental degradation that plague the planet today but we MUST be able to talk about these issues without fear of being ridiculed for hypocrisy. It’s hard to leave your front door without having some sort of negative impact... but should this mean we can’t discuss the issue? If we are to move forward in the fight to save the planet (ourselves), we must stop pointing fingers at each other. (Unless they’re a CEO of a major fossil fuel company or climate denying politician... then go right ahead 🙃) Individual action adds up, but the actions of certain companies and the inaction of govement trumps all. We must find a way to move pass individual blame and start to collectively take action. It is ultimately our only hope. With that said, there is power recognising that you’re not doing enough. Recently I’ve begun to feel uncomfortable with my carbon footprint from flying so I’m going to be making some changes. The first is to drastically reduce my air travel this year and the second is to offset all of my carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting is obviously not a solution, but it is a positive step in the right direction and a simple action I can take today. I’ll be posting more about this soon. What do you guys think? Do you worry about these sorts of things? What did you think about the school strikes this week too? 💨

jackharriesさん(@jackharries)が投稿した動画 -

Jackson Harriesのインスタグラム(jackharries) - 2月18日 05時47分

Brain Fart 💨 I think the fear of sounding like a hypocrite has prevented many people from talking about climate change. We are all responsible for the varying forms of environmental degradation that plague the planet today but we MUST be able to talk about these issues without fear of being ridiculed for hypocrisy. It’s hard to leave your front door without having some sort of negative impact... but should this mean we can’t discuss the issue?
If we are to move forward in the fight to save the planet (ourselves), we must stop pointing fingers at each other. (Unless they’re a CEO of a major fossil fuel company or climate denying politician... then go right ahead 🙃) Individual action adds up, but the actions of certain companies and the inaction of govement trumps all. We must find a way to move pass individual blame and start to collectively take action. It is ultimately our only hope.
With that said, there is power recognising that you’re not doing enough. Recently I’ve begun to feel uncomfortable with my carbon footprint from flying so I’m going to be making some changes.
The first is to drastically reduce my air travel this year and the second is to offset all of my carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting is obviously not a solution, but it is a positive step in the right direction and a simple action I can take today. I’ll be posting more about this soon. What do you guys think? Do you worry about these sorts of things? What did you think about the school strikes this week too? 💨


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