デレク・ブラスバーグのインスタグラム(derekblasberg) - 9月21日 22時32分

I’m in Milan for fashion week (shameless plug: Have you checked out youtube.com/fashion yet?) but my heart is with the millions of incredible young people who marched for #climatestrike. One of my favorite signs read: “I’m skipping my lessons to teach Washington one.” (Other favorites: “More trees, less assholes,” “Don’t be a fossil fool,” and “Frack off, Gassholes!”) Environmentalism is a defining issue of our generation, and I’m continually inspired by the people who are fighting on the right side of history. PS. Thanks to @andresaraiva for this watercolor ❤️🌎


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Chivas Regalのインスタグラム
Chivas Regalさんがフォロー
