リリー・コリンズのインスタグラム(lilyjcollins) - 4月8日 06時03分

I know everything can feel really isolating right now, spending so much time social distancing and at home. So it makes it extremely special when this community we’ve built here comes together and creates something to uplift and entertain one another. I’m incredibly honored that my book has been a source of comfort... when I wrote it, I specifically had my Instagram audience in mind, because you guys have been so supportive of not only me, but more importantly of one another, for so many years.
Reposting a few beautiful things I’ve seen this week surrounding the #UnfilteredReadingChallenge you all started. Love seeing you leave positive messages to your followers. Stick together, especially in times like these. And reach out to people who might feel alone... a text, a call, a DM, a facetime, or an email goes a long way! Remember, as lonely as this all may feel right now, we’re lucky there are so many ways to stay united and connected during this time. Let’s take advantage of the technology we have and continue to spread all the love we can...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




