ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 9月24日 07時48分

Liberalism means the freedom of the individual. What it demands is that your moral assessment of the world is based on the freedom of the individual. Not the false idea of “the people “ which in reality do not exist. We are all individuals.
Liberalism also means that you think according to reason . Reason on the basis of evidence.
Liberalism emerged 400 years ago as part of the scientific revolution and it demanded an interest in objective truth , in data and in evidence.
Liberalism embraces the idea of moderation . It demands that you are gentle in disagreement.
I’m proud to think I’m a liberal .
Juxtapose this against the lies of nationalism .
Reading some of the comments, it’s clear that the word is totally misunderstood and clearly means different things for different cultures, however, who can really want to disagree with the description I wrote below : doesn’t every person want freedom for the individual or life based on truth or reasoned and gentle debate rather than divisive and polarising argument.
Nationalist devide the population and trick the poorest in society to vote for laws that will turn out to harm them by inventing make believe enemies and then calling them " enemies of the people " a term that is as fake and bogus and used to demonise minorities and any one that stands in their way , the Supreme Court , the WTO , the UN , judges , migrants , trans people , single mothers .... the list goes on and we all know it well .
Our country is being run by clowns . We need to realise this is nationalism and stop it in its tracks !


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