ニコール・トルンフィオのインスタグラム(nictrunfio) - 10月8日 03時34分

My babes are back at school 🏫 wearing masks and not complaining about it what so ever, kids are so adaptable and seem to understand mask safety better than most adults. Isn’t it funny. As soon as I told them they need to wear a mask when they are indoors, and have their temperature checked every morning so they don’t get the virus, there were no questions and no complaints and complete responsibility on their part to remember to wear it and not touch other people for the safety of themselves and others. I wish most adults were like them. Kids are resilient, and mine seem to love having an important duty that they take seriously. How are your kids dealing? How are you dealing with your babes having to wear masks at school? #covid_19 #parenting


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