クロエ・ベネットのインスタグラム(chloebennet) - 10月9日 02時36分

We. Are. Not. A. Fucking. Virus. I can not tell you how many Asian American friends/family that I have, who’ve called me in tears overcome with anxiety and fear due to the uprising of racist rhetoric that “OUR PRESIDENT” is single handedly igniting around the country (NOT just with Asians, but with EVERY minority). This should not be fucking acceptable. @runaapi * EDIT: for all the idiots in the comments who are saying “ItS Fr0m CHiNa, ItS n0t RaCiST” I know it originated in China. But ya know what, today, I’m really tired and I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to explain to you why/how this has been hurtful to the AAPI community. I’m not a fuck face whisperer! So please just unfollow me I really don’t care! Bye thanks!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



