アンジェラ・磨紀・バーノンのインスタグラム(angelamakivernon) - 10月18日 10時35分

My Internal Dialogue:
I hate when I’m in this space where I feel like I don’t want to smile; When I just feel shitty and heavy. It’s so easy to find ways to ignore my emotions. It’s so easy to find distractions to “check out”. 
So, now today, I’m choosing not to do that. I’m choosing to journal so I can acknowledge my negative emotions and let them go.
Here it goes…
I want my heart to be free from heaviness. I want to dance, so I can smile and laugh.
I get that I’m feeling shitty,
I get that I’m feeling heavy.
I get that I’m STILL choosing to hold these negative emotions.
What do I get out of holding onto these emotions? Do I hold onto them so I can feel sorry for myself? Am I just giving myself an excuse not to do anything? What serves me? Holding onto these emotions or letting them go?
What serves me is…
Choosing to notice the sunshine and feel the breeze on my skin. Choosing to recognize all that I have in my life and appreciate being able to live another day in this beautiful paradise. Choosing to see miraculous things in this world and enjoy breathing it all in. Choosing to be kind and compassionate with myself and others. Choosing to give my best to be the best version of myself today.
Choosing to smile and to love.
If I want to be heard, seen and acknowledged, I get to do that for myself first. If I want this world to be filled with mindful people, I get to be more mindful.
If I want to create a loving world, I get to create more love within myself. Acknowledging my emotions is a way to create a more peaceful me and more peaceful world.  

自分の感情を理解し受け入れ、自分の感情に責任を持ち、自分で感情をベストな方向にもっていくことで自分の人生にも、世の中にもLove & Peaceが更に増えるのでしょうね。。言葉で言うのは簡単だけど、それを行動に移すのは難しい〜😅でも、練習あるのみ!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



