ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 10月21日 04時23分

No matter where you are in the world right now, please go outside into nature and just marvel at how truly incredible our planet is — we MUST start prioritizing it much more before it’s too late! If you’ve been following @karmagawa and @savethereef then you know we have SO MANY URGENT ISSUES we must confront and it’s 100% due to us not prioritizing our precious environment and wildlife enough. Sadly, the rate of destruction has increased dramatically in the last few years, especially during this pandemic, and while it’s far from an exact science, all the data points to a definitive trend that says due to our irresponsible behavior, there will be more and more severe consequences for all of us, and our children, in the coming years and decades. In fact, many people consider the situation hopeless as not only is the science tragic, roughly 1/2 the world doesn’t even believe there’s any issue in the first place so the fight to save our planet before it’s too late is most definitely an uphill battle. But I refuse to believe that it’s just a coincidence that at this critical time in human history, when we must all start working together on solutions, that we finally have advanced enough technology to spread awareness and unite people in record time! Even though social media currently is occupied by mainly soulless, superficial and meaningless pursuits, there’s a small, but growing number of people using this platform for the good of the one planet we all share together, as evidenced by how fast @karmagawa and @savethereef are growing…and my cofounder @badboi and I are SO excited for the future as we will work together to find new solutions TO MAKE THIS A BETTER PLANET FOR HUMANS AND ANIMALS ALIKE! #saveourplanet #saveourplanet #teamwork #animalsdeservebetter #karmagawa #savetheref #jewsonamission

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