ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 10月24日 04時37分

BLUE ASS WATER APPRECIATION POST: Too often we don’t realize what we have until it's gone, but then 2020 came along and helped teach us this lesson in some very brutal ways. I’ve posted about how too many people take our planet, wildlife, natural environment, freedom, democracy, opportunity & so many other things in our first world lives for granted, but I’ve also taken blue ass water aka JewBlue water for granted as you have no idea how much I miss traveling right now! Yes, I realize I’m spoiled AF, but I’ve also worked my butt off to be able to travel to 20-30 countries per year the past few years. While much of my travel these days is dedicated to growing @karmagawa and doing charity work, there’s so much beauty in this world, I love experiencing it in person and posting to show you and inspire you too! So, while you swipe through these photos understand they hardly do justice to how truly magical these places are. I know there’s far bigger things going on in the world right now than blue ass water, but let’s learn to appreciate ALL the little things that inspire us and motivate us, no matter how seemingly silly or insignificant they may be because we all have just one life so we must push ourselves to the max! You really can achieve ALL your dreams, whether it’s travel, charity, wealth, fame, fitness, family, freedom….whatever you want in this life can be yours if you study, practice & work hard enough while also staying patient & dedicated throughout your journey to achieve your goals. I have SO MANY motivations in my life, but I can’t wait to get back to swimming in some blue ass water soon! #jewblue #dailyinspiration #dreambig #blueasswater #jewblue


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