ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月22日 07時32分

Photo by @williamalbertallard / Venice, Italy, 1969. This is from my very first trip to Italy, where I made pictures of Venice for a National Geographic book. On the day of the most important regatta on the Grand Canal, I had arranged to photograph from the window of an apartment overlooking a sweeping curve in the canal. I used a Zeiss Hologon Ultrawide with a fixed 15 mm lens to capture this flowing procession of colorful gondolas, overlooked by observers on the balconies of the ancient stone and brick buildings. The image is reminiscent of a painting.

That camera was stolen from me later that year as I walked along a street in Saigon, grabbed from my hand by a youngster riding on one of the countless motor scooters buzzing through the streets of southern Vietnam. For more images of Venice and other assignments spanning a five-decade career, follow me @williamalbertallard. #venice #italy #canal #regatta #filmphotography


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