デビッド・ポーコックのインスタグラム(davidpocock) - 12月8日 06時54分

After millions of hectares of forests burned last summer and billions of animals died, we realised just how important and valuable our forests are. Yet we're all paying (with our taxes) for our remaining native forests to be cut down. Today the Victorian Government has given the green light to continue native forest logging, further threatening habitat for so many endangered and vulnerable animals.

Despite native forest logging being unprofitable - taxpayers will continue to subsidise it to the tune of $200 million over the next 10 years in Victoria alone. We continue to cut down forests that include the mountain ash, which are the tallest flowering trees in the world, and are incredibly valuable as habitat, drinking water catchments and carbon sinks. 

The industry argues this is about jobs, but native forest logging in Victoria only employs a couple of logging teams. Teams that would be invaluable if trained as specialist fire-fighters. And the reality is we have enough plantation timber to stop turning native forests into pulp and end native forest logging today. 

We have to re-imagine what our future can look like if we're going to have a future. Tell danielandrews, Vic Forests and Nippon Paper, Opal (who make Reflex paper) to STOP native forest logging and transition the industry to plantation timber today, not in 2030. And if you can, tell @officeworks to stop stocking Reflex paper until they do stop.


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