ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 12月24日 05時28分

THE WRITE STUFF! I’m cleaning and organizing my office for the second time during this quarantine and using the day to organize and showcase all of my scripts! @julian.cmo dug four big boxes out of the storage facility so we could make the next edition of the classic screenplay reprints that we publish for #thatkevinsmithclub members every quarter. As I went through everything, I found the basis for my life’s work. Physical media has been replaced by digital media, but as an old school screenwriter from the 90’s, I am in LOVE with the analog look of all the various drafts of my scripts lined up like that. 27 years worth of words are represented in this first pic. Pic 2 depicts floppy disks from my old Smith Corona personal word processor that contain the various drafts of my first three films. The solo floppy disk in Pic 3 reveals an even rarer relic: Before I started calling the flick DOGMA, it was called GOD: THE MOVIE. This disk contains the earliest rumblings of what would one day become my 4th film, started slightly before I finished writing CLERKS. Finding this stuff is like bumping into my favorite friends with whom I spent the most fun and formative years of my life! But it’s also a solid reminder that, while my journey has gone on further and longer than I even dared dream back in my early 20’s, it’s a journey that started with the written word. I’ve been lucky enough to collect a lot of titles over the years (director, actor, podcaster, comedian, TV host, omnipresent asshole) - but if I had to identify myself by only one vocation, it would definitely be Writer. I’m a cat who’s had lots to say his whole life (albeit nothing of any real importance), so words have always determined both my personal and professional worth. And while a writer can be boring (case in point: this long caption), writing is always exciting. Because each time you tap a key, you’re traveling one step further away from how the world is, and one step closer to how the world can be! #KevinSmith #scripts #screenplay #writer #floppydisk


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