ベラ・ゴールデンのインスタグラム(bellaagolden) - 12月31日 03時42分

dear body,
i’m sorry for the hurtful things I’ve said to you. you were always there, protecting me, nourishing me, giving me strength. you’ve given me late nights spent dancing, you’ve climbed mountains both physical and emotional.. you’ve traveled and ate great food from around the world and from my kitchen too. And I’m sorry for all the times I judged you, tried to change you, for punishing you and limiting you and wishing you were different. dear body, thank you for loving me even when I couldn’t love you back. I promise to heal you, to feed and nourish you, to show you love.
because you’re complete, just as you are. 🌹


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



