ベラ・ゴールデンのインスタグラム(bellaagolden) - 1月1日 04時18分

today’s the last day of 2020.
I’m not going to go on about how hard this year was, because we’ve all heard it and are feeling it. Id like to share some reflections on this year, and I hope you find connection and peace in it.
personally, I’m focusing on practicing gratitude every day. this year I have realized just how grateful I am for things I honestly took for granted before...to I have a roof over my head and everything I need: a support system of friends and family. I have learned I’m happier this year with far less, I appreciate nature more and respect myself & my body more, i learned that I love to cook and create, and discovered veganism. my little puppy meatball was born in the pandemic. she is so full of love and a love of life and she gives me purpose. grateful for my career which has so much room for growth and one that I’m proud of (thank you @wilhelminalosangeles for trusting me to do self shot content from home this year, making me realize I love the creative side of my job)
there has been so much hurt and sadness in the world and things feel so overwhelming but I’m learning to cope with my anxiety through yoga, excercise, meditation and many many “me” days. I’m proud of myself how far I’ve come.
I am beyond grateful, and looking forward to the new year for the new beginnings it will bring. this year I promise myself to focus on self love, inner peace, mindfulness, and to be present.
wishing you peace, love, and laughter in the new year.
this will be our year-the zombies 🤍


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



