サラ・ミシェル・ゲラーのインスタグラム(sarahmgellar) - 1月12日 02時32分

#howitstarted This was a year ago today, on a girls trip to Mexico. We snuggled on the couch watching movies, we swam, (we drank) we watched the sunset on the beach and most importantly we hugged a lot. We knew there were rumblings of covid coming here, but we had no clue what the year would hold for us or that this would be the last time for over a year we would see each other. I’m looking at this pic today, not in sadness but as my #mondaymotivation to do everything in my power so we can all get back to that place. (Ok well maybe not that amazing rented house in Mexico- but you know what I mean) When we can hug our friends, see our loved ones, and not live with the heavy weight most of us are carrying with us. We can do this!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




