アン・ハサウェイのインスタグラム(annehathaway) - 1月12日 06時11分

It feels strange to be promoting a movie - a comedy no less - during such unprecedented times...please know I am reeling from the events of the last week just as you are. Just like you, I am trying to process what happened on top trying to find some kind of firm emotional footing in the quicksand of this pandemic...
Interestingly, one theme Chiwetel and I kept coming back to while making our film Locked Down was how it is about two lost and messy humans finding the steel needed to fight for joy in their lives, even in the madness of the current moment. I think we all feel a bit of that right now...
So that said, I hope my posting this is seen in the light of the age-old tradition that “the show must go on.” I also hope this film offers some relief by making you laugh and feel less alone during a time of so much pain and loss. 
#LockedDownFilm begins streaming on @HBOMax #Jan14.


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