アシュリー・ケインのインスタグラム(mrashleycain) - 1月21日 01時07分

Day 3 post transplant...
Azaylia is doing well 🙏🏾 She’s a lot more tired than usual and has moments of being in pain and very unsettled. She is also getting some side effects from her conditioning chemotherapy treatment and high dosages of medication which we expect. However, she is still smiling, has bundles of energy and wants to play and interact every moment while she’s awake which as a parent is so amazing and fulfilling to see! 🙌🏾
Being in this situation is so heart wrenchingly sad, but incredibly humbling at the same time. It doesn’t take away who you are, or remove your goals or ambitions. But it puts into perspective what’s actually important in life and teaches you to appreciate every single moment no matter how big or small. I feel tired, upset, nervous and anxious every day yet the happiest, proudest and most emotionally enriched I’ve ever felt! ❤️
Times are hard for everyone I know. But I guess I just wanted to say, look around you and you’ll see there is plenty of things to be grateful for! 💯

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