ジェンマ・チャンのインスタグラム(gemmachan) - 2月7日 07時04分

I have been thinking a lot about how when minorities turn on each other, it only benefits white supremacy (I have seen a number of anti-black responses in the comments on my last post. This isn’t the answer.)

There are old wounds between Black and Asian communities and so much work needs to be done to heal and move forwards. We in the Asian community must call out anti-blackness. And anti-Asian sentiment must be called out in all other communities. Ignorance is ignorance. Racism is racism. We are all human beings and have to work together to dismantle a system that suppresses us all.
Repost @beyonkz .. Put together something really short and quick to share a little bit of my process. Emphasis on the *in process*!! thank you for receiving me in the vulnerability and rawness 🥺

Non-Asian folx: the hope and the ask is for y’all to name the reality of anti-Asian violence, to denounce anti-Asian sentiments in your communities, and to recognize we aren’t a model minority monolith. This would mean a lot because Asian Americans are so often dismissed and gaslit when speaking about our experiences with discrimination and racism.

I thank @michellekimkim @aapiwomenlead @jocekittyllama @hownottotravellikeabasicbitch @little_kotos_closet for modeling how to show up in ways that have helped me engage with what’s going on. And for @klconsult_ for chatting with me this morning about how deep and far back these tensions go.

#antiasianracism #stopaapihate #bayarea


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