ファーン・コットンのインスタグラム(fearnecotton) - 2月8日 17時25分

The bird of paradise is one of my favourite poses. With age and perhaps post having kids my hips wake up achey, so anything that helps the creak is 👌🏼
I’ve been practising yoga for about 10 years now and have learned lots from brilliant teachers like @zephyrwildman who really opened my eyes up to the physical and mental release available.
There are still loads of poses I can not master (like handstands with out support) but I’m so passed caring about all that. Rather than looking to complete a sequence or pose that looks complicated and technical I’m much more about tuning into what the move feels like.
The bird of paradise feels good because it’s about strength, balance and flexibility which seem like good qualities to cultivate in life in general. The strength to deal with challenges, the balance to help find equilibrium and the flexibility to change path when needed♥️


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