アレックス・パッチシオのインスタグラム(alex_puccio89) - 2月17日 02時16分

Do something every day that makes you happy!
Remember, it’s okay not to be okay! You don’t need to put pressure on yourself to always feel happy or force a smile on your face.
Through seeing a psychologist weekly and having some help with medication from my psychiatrist to help deal with the anxiety and depression, things have been getting better and better and with the insomnia! ☺️
Realizing that there is NO, magic 💊 or your Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, or any mental struggle you may have is not just going to go away one day and your then “cured”.
All these things that we think or tell ourselves are “BAD” qualities are part of us and are part of the things that make us who we are as a whole.
Learn to stop running from things that make you feel uncomfortable, afraid, scared and instead confront and look those feelings straight in the face and say
“I see you. It’s okay that you are here and I accept you. I accept you are apart of who I am and I have the tools to turn you into strengths and courage.”
“I don’t need to fear you and I have the courage to ask for help when I need it!” ☺️😄 💪🏻
Asking for help is a strength and shows that you are not scared and that you are acknowledging all sides to who you are! Your not running or suppressing, but confronting and taking control of your life and not letting fears or struggles control you!!!
@scarpana @evn_cbd @organicclimbing @frictionlabs


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