サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 2月21日 21時21分

This is huge for me. I’ve been working on this video series on Lisa Feldman Barrett’s “How Emotions Are Made,” for a while now, and have really been trying to explain how the body makes emotions, how the brain constructs your feelings, and how we can better master our emotions once we know how they’re actually made. But that was just me reading the book and talking about it.

Now, I’m super honoured that I’ve actually got the author with me, who is amongst the top 1% of cited scientists IN THE WORLD, and we’re going to discuss these ideas with more detail and - now that it’s not just me rambling here - with a bit more credibility as well.

This is huge for me. This is the direction I’d love to go, to really digest some of the most important and up to date ideas in science, and to talk with these authors and to share these talks with whoever wants to watch them. I was super nervous in speaking with her, as I’m more used to interviewing Sushi chefs than Neuroscientists, but I’m sure with practice I’ll get better at it.

The interview is in two parts. Part 1 is on Eatyourkimchi, and there we’ll discuss the metaphor of the body budget a bit more, and look into the possibility of hoarding resources for your budget, and if that even makes sense. Link is in the bio.

In Part 2, we’ll really get more into it, and look at the dissolution of emotions in Buddhism, in different cultures, and how the sensations of your body play in with the emotions you’re feeling.
#psychology #neuroscience #bookstagram


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