トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 4月12日 15時32分

Your thoughts on Springtime outdoor workouts? 🌱 Living in the countryside I love to mix up my workouts by taking routines outside and soaking up some vitamin D at the same time. Not only do I get a beautiful cardio warmup with a view, but it also makes me think on my feet for how to use my surrounding environment for many different purposes - all without machines or freeweights. Here I used some incline hurdles as a base for extended side plank and the round log really challenged my grip strength, balance and core control. The air is so fresh and clean, the sound of the wind moving through the trees and birds singing is super calming and to stand amongst mighty trees that tower above me and have grown for hundreds of years is so incredibly empowering and grounding at the very same time. I feel so blessed to be alive and motivated to treat my body, mind and soul with the love and respect that it deserves. How will you be taking your exercise outside this season? 🍃 #sideplank #coreworkout #extendedsideplank #outdoorworkout #natureknowsbest


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