市川渚のインスタグラム(nagiko) - 4月19日 18時45分

先日はTu es mon Tresorのオープンハウス&一夜限りの音楽イベントへ。

昨年は熱海、今年は八ヶ岳。今回も吉村順三が手がけた2つの建築がキーに。まずは木々に囲まれ、遠くに山々をのぞむ山荘でプロローグのような時間を過ごし、陽の傾きを感じながら近くの八ヶ岳高原音楽堂へ移動し、アーティストLucinda Chuaの日本ではじめてのパフォーマンスを堪能させていただいた。

音楽堂に響き渡る彼女の奏でたチェロやピアノの音と発した声が周囲の光、風、いきものたちと呼応するような感覚に……非常にイマーシブな体験だった。Lucinda Chuaの新譜はApple Musicなどでも聴けるので、ぜひ。


佐原さん素敵なお時間をありがとうございました😌 @aimisahara

I went to Tu es mon Tresor's open house and one-night-only music event the other day.

Last year it was in Atami, and this year it was in the Yatsugatake Mountains. Two buildings designed by Junzo Yoshimura were important parts of the event. First, we spent some time in a mountain lodge surrounded by trees, gazing at the distant mountains. It was like a prologue of the event. Then we moved to the nearby Yatsugatake Kogen Music Hall, feeling the sun setting, to enjoy Lucinda Chua's first-ever performance in Japan.

It was an incredibly immersive experience, with her cello and piano playing echoing with the light, wind, and creatures around us in the music hall. You can listen to Lucinda Chua's recent album on Apple Music and elsewhere, so check it out if you can.

While I was deeply moved by the beauty of the buildings that never age and don't cater to the trends, it was also a great break for me since I hadn't felt the scent of the forest and trees for about a month.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



