Phil Heathのインスタグラム(philheath) - 5月14日 06時45分

Was able to catch a workout next to @アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー at the Mecca,Gold's Gym Venice this morning and needless to say I was excited. Arnold still trains daily, carrying the high standards of health and wellness being a top priority so that he can thrive in all areas of his life. To train beside him was awesome, chatting in between sets about bodybuilding but most importantly life and all of its opportunities was even more valuable. To receive instruction from this man is something I am forever grateful for and will definitely use those nuggets of wisdom to stack some more wins in my life.

Arnold has a new documentary being featured on @ネットフリックス with a three-part series illustrating the three lifetimes that he has lived. I can say that he has exhibited greatness throughout and believe that he is far from slowing down.

Key takeaways were:

GREATNESS has no limits. It is only for those who sign up daily throughout life's challenges, continuously learning about oneself, adjusting one's habits and behavior to enable positive results.

LISTENING to those who are actual experts. I could easily act like a know it all given he and I are tied with 7 Mr Olympia titles, however I recognize there are experiences he has which I can learn from by asking questions and actively listening to him speak.

GRATITUDE!!! Arnold trains amongst everyone and respects his space while training but will say hello to everyone as he continues to never forget where he came from, offering all the "right advices" while time permits.

SERVICE!!! He is a servant leader who truly wants the best for everyone yet knows he carries a heavy responsibility to be the change he wishes to see in others.

I was able to feel that vibe and truly accept that we all including myself must do our part to be our greatest versions of self to help humanity thrive!!!

I definitely needed this interaction as I planned on training for an hour and this gave me more fuel to train an additional TWO hours haha.

I used this quote while training from Conan the Barbarian.
"I am a sword made flesh. Steel and death are my companions"

Stay strong. Love to All!!!


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