ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月22日 01時00分

Photos by @yagazieemezi | While on assignment for the story on Earth's growing human population for the April issue, I was tasked with visually representing what that looks like for Nigeria, a country that is expected to add 150 million people by 2050.

Itoko Ebiere (in white coat) has been a traditional midwife for 35 years. She is a member of the National Association of Herbal Medicine Employers, a government-recognized organization. The practitioners include herbal doctors, traditional healers, bonesetters, and traditional midwives. Though Nigerian health care has seen some improvement, one in 175 mothers still dies in childbirth because of a lack of health facilities and trained medical staff. Ebiere boasts of having zero complications with women who begin seeing her at the start of their pregnancy. She has delivered "countless" babies on the floor of her small bedroom, where she tends to women like (from left) Peace, Precious, and ChiChi, who are close to their due dates. Ebiere massages their bellies, often moving the baby if need be, to help make the soon-to-be mothers more comfortable. As the number of people on Earth tops eight billion, read the full story on Nigeria's growing population at the link in bio. And for more on life in Nigeria, follow @yagazieemezi.


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