ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月22日 04時00分

Photo by @Joel Sartore | I met this endangered Matschie’s tree kangaroo and her adorable joey while visiting @zoomiami. Living high in the mountainous rainforests in New Guinea, the Matschie’s tree kangaroo looks a bit like a cross between a kangaroo and a lemur. Topping out at around 22 pounds, Matschie’s tree kangaroos may not rival their bigger kangaroo counterparts in size, but with powerful limbs and a long tail, these mighty mammals are built for climbing trees. Despite their impressive abilities, tree kangaroos sleep 60 percent of the time, curling up in whatever tree they happen to be in. They are known for making the occasional trip to the ground in search of food, but at heart they are permanent tree dwellers. To see more species featured in the Photo Ark, follow me @Joel Sartore. #PhotoArk #WorldTreeKangarooDay

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