レイシー・バンハードのインスタグラム(lacey_shameela) - 7月1日 18時00分

Once you recognise peace, there’s nothing more you’ll ‘need’ to ask for in life 🌱

My favourite song in the world is Bob Marley - redemption song these words have played a huge part of my life and only NOW I live them.

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.
None but ourselves can free our minds.”

Once you free your mind, the world is unlimited.

How to do that?? - meditation, daily .. Maybe add some therapy if the mind believes it’s as messed up as mine did.

Sending you all so much love on your path.
Remember you’re just a soul that’s come here to gain experiences in order to grow.
It’s really not that deep.
I know it feels it, trust me I am/have felt it.

The life path is not linear.

The fact you came on to this planet during such times is testament that you have got this, you can make it through and that you are so F**KING powerful!

I could go on all day. I’ll stop here for now.

I got so much love for you all. You are me, I am you. We are 1.

#love #peace #redemption #harmony


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