VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 9月27日 00時41分

In depressingly relatable news, the phrase "I am tired" is at its most googled point in the history of Google Trends.

The search term's chart looks like a wildly successful stock, climbing steadily since Google Trends data began in 2004, and peaking in late August, with inhabitants of South Dakota and Utah searching for the phrase more than anyone else.

So: why all the interest? Let's speculate. First suggestion: the change in season can make some people feel a bit sleepy. Shorter days disrupt sleep cycles, and lower levels of sunlight can affect your serotonin levels.

But on a more existential level: a Gallup poll published last year found that the world was sadder and more stressed than ever before, thanks – of course – to the pandemic, but also economic uncertainty and the fact that bad news is more available than at any point in history, because of devices like the one you’re reading this on right now. To make matters worse, last year, a poll by Future Forum found that burnout from workplace stress is at an all-time high.

Anyway, happy Tuesday!


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