The Dogistのインスタグラム(thedogist) - 9月30日 03時50分

Roux, Vizsla (7 m/o), Sullivan & Prince St., New York, NY • “She’s my third Vizsla – they’re the most loving dogs. They’re a lot of work, a lot of high energy. I can go on a bike or rollerblading for 20 miles, and she’ll go the whole 20 miles and not even think twice about it. They just need that. I think she’s the smartest one we’ve had, but the most high-strung one. They’re big velcro dogs – they love being held and they’re very relaxed. They trust their owners, and they trust people. She also shows – she’ll qualify for Westminster.” @ringo_roux

How many miles can your dog run?


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