片山正通のインスタグラム(masamichi_katayama) - 10月24日 09時18分

巨匠 ヴィム・ヴェンダースによる映画“ PERFECT DAYS ” が東京国際映画祭のオープニング作品に!本映画のプロデューサーである 柳井康治 さんにお誘い頂き試写会に続き2度目の鑑賞。
( 皆様ご存知だと思いますが、カンヌ国際映画祭にて役所広司さんが最優秀男優賞を受賞、そして来年度 アカデミー賞の外国語長編映画部門にて日本代表作品に選出されている作品。)
役所さん演じる平山が清掃員を勤める“ THE TOKYO TOILET ” に、WONDERWALLで参加させて恵比寿公園のトイレが何度も劇中に登場し、光栄でした。

The film “PERFECT DAYS” by Wim Wenders was the opening film of the Tokyo International Film Festival! Mr. Koji Yanai, the producer of the film, invited me to see the film for the second time following the preview.
( As you probably know, Koji Yakusho won the Best Actor Award at the Cannes International Film Festival, and the film was selected to represent Japan at the next year’s Academy Awards in the Foreign Language Feature Film category).
The film is a story about the joys and sorrows of living in the midst of everyday life, which is repeated in an unhurried manner.
I was amazed at how the powerful tag team of Wenders and Yakusho could show such an extraordinary range of emotions in the smallest of movements.
I was honored to participate in “THE TOKYO TOILET,” where Mr. Hirayama, played by Mr. Yakusho, works as a janitor, and the Ebisu Park restrooms appeared designed by WONDERWALL many times in the play.
I sincerely respect Mr. Koji for his wonderful project and production.
@Hulic Hall Tokyo
#perfectdays #wimwenders


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