キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kshyun216) - 8月19日 01時46分

Keyeast china weibo update to thank every fans for the support and love. Shortly, you will see kim soo hyun weibo repost this message. My dear soohyunxi, we all know that you actually like to blog so can you please ask keyeast to return you your account and password. We want to interact with you!!! ??? I know that you brought along your camera and took some photos during the NYOG. Can you please share with us? We all want to see your what photos you take! ??
Okie finish my complaint now back to what pic keyeast has post?
News: KimSooHyun appeared in various newspapers top stories on 17th.His perfect Chinese surprised the fans Cr 韩流音悦Tai
News: Popular KimSooHyun with zero fee in YOG opening,his singing is great,receives good compliments
By the way, there were over 30 Korea media reporting on KimSooHyun NYOG 140818
Sports28%,Economics 22%, Ent. 33%,National Ent 17%
Cr: http://t.co/A4awhmuwr8
#김수현 http://t.co/XF6rYooeDa
#kimsooman #kimsoohyun #KSH #김수현 #金秀贤 #金秀賢 #キムスヒョン #keyeast


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