キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kshyun216) - 8月19日 10時10分

Pizza Hut General crew fan account 140818:
Kim Soo Hyun went round to thanks and bowed many times to everyone when he reached the shooting venue.
After the filming started, realized he has ADHD symptoms, can’t sit still, keeps shaking his legs,…resting time he will play arm wrestling with hairstylist and at times will sing “Light up the future” … there were a few times, he passed by the crew’s desk and said something which she did not understand….oh it’s a chinese sentences for the CF. Translation credit Stars88jo
"累shi了今天…没想到我的群演处女作献给了#金秀贤#都教授!这娃一到片场就先感谢个遍…阿尼阿say哟+鞠躬 n多次…开拍后发现这娃真是多动症,一直在抖腿…时不时拍完一段还要站起来蹦跶两下…休息的时候和发型师姐姐来个扳手腕比赛偶尔吼两嗓子点亮未来…有次经过我桌前的时候还说了句话, 我没听懂原来是他广告里的一句中文台词
From: 来自星星的cc最近住在屋塔房里
#kimsooman #kimsoohyun #KSH #김수현 #金秀贤 #金秀賢 #キムスヒョン


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