トーヴ・ローのインスタグラム(iamtovelo) - 8月9日 12時54分

i was re-watching tove videos, and i watched the one where she answered my question again, and it just made me so happy! i remember that day very well, i had a massive paper due and i also wasn't feeling too great. i stopped writing to eat, and i played the video while i was eating. when i saw my twitter user i started balling. it made my entire week! and then j remember when she tweeted me on valentines day this past year. i was in the grocery store and my phone kept going off. when i saw why i screamed in the store and they told me if i did it again they would have to kick me out... oops. i'm just so grateful for tove. she is such a sweet person with an amazing heart. she is extremely appreciative and so loving towards her fans. and may i say its amazing to be noticed by your idol? how many people can say that? i just wanted to share that with all of you who continue to bash tove. tove isn't who you think she is. she is the sweetest person with the kindest heart who i will ALWAYS love and support ??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



