キム・ジャインのインスタグラム(allezjain) - 10月23日 20時10分

컨디션이 좋았던만큼 매순간 자신감있게 임하려했던 중국 우장 월드컵. 아무도 넘어가지못했던 크럭스 구간의 홀드를 잡아냈을때 그동안의 부담감과 압박들이 모두 씻겨내려가는 느낌이었습니다.
다음달 시즌 마지막 월드컵과 아시아선수권대회가 남아있습니다. 이느낌 그대로 남은 시즌도 완등을 위해 최선을다하겠습니다! 응원해주신분들 항상 감사합니다!

I wanted to focus on keeping my confidence high instead of working on my physical condition which was great before the world cup in Wujang. In the final, when I passed the crux move, I was so excited to a point where all my worries were washed away. Because of that, I was pretty satisfied with the competition even though I couldn't top out in the semifinal and final.
There's one more world cup and one more Asian championship in this season. I will do my best to complete all the routes! ? ? ?
#limitless #spyder #teamspyder #redbull #givesyouwings #thejas


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



