レイシー・バンハードのインスタグラム(lacey_shameela) - 4月18日 05時36分

✨4 ways to change your mindset✨
I’ve seen so much lately online about suicide, anxiety, depression. I’ve also experienced it with people around me and myself. 💗

I used to stay in this state for months at a time with no idea how to get out of it. The constant chase for happiness is exhausting!

So I’m going to give you some tips I use now to get myself out of that pattern if it ever creeps back up on me. ✨ Write a list of what is bothering you, one step further is to actually tell someone what is bothering you right now. You’ll feel an instant sense of relief and realisation that your situation isn’t as bad as it was in your head. ✨Now write down what you can do to change each part, or if you can’t change the situation. Change your thoughts around it. For instance if you’re telling yourself you hate your job turn it around as soon as you think it to ‘I love my job’ this takes a lot of practise but your mind cannot differentiate a lie from the truth so whatever you tell it, it soon believes. ✨Write a list of gratitude in a journal every day, minimum 5 if you can’t think of 5 do 10. Really think of the things you’re grateful for but don’t recognise, then explain why you are grateful for it so you can relive that feeling.
Yesterday mine was that I am a mum, I feel grateful whenever she looks at me but I don’t tend to say it a lot. There are so many small things we can all be grateful for in life that we constantly miss in our daily life. ✨ Lastly listen to a positive audio/podcast/mediation everyday. It could be motivation, it could be something you want to learn more about, it could be something to do with your passion just something that uplifts you and makes you feel positive. NO soaps/TV dramas ❌ NO news ❌

Remember it’s a decision you make not a situation you create.

Love Lacey. Xo

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